
CEO’s Top SEA Student Awards 2024

On Tuesday 10th September 2024, Caribbean Gas Chemical Company Limited (CGCL) recognized the academic achievements of the top-performing students at the recent Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) examinations, from the five primary schools within the company’s host and fenceline communities, at the 2024 CEO’s Awards event.

The ceremony was held in the IXORA Conference Room, where students were presented with the coveted CEO’s Trophy of Excellence and a $2500 certificate in Units from the Unit Trust Corporation, to go towards their future educational needs. CGCL’s CEO, Mr. Keio Kato, and Mr. Gota Shimizu the company’s Chief Administrative and Strategy Officer attended the event and distributed the awards. Facilitating the awards ceremony was the Corporate Affairs Manager, Mrs. Elizabeth Warner Julien who emphasized the importance of education and encouraged the awardees to continue striving for excellence in their academic pursuits.

Parents, principals, and teachers were also present, celebrating the accomplishments of the young scholars. The event highlighted the positive impact of CGCL’s strategic programs within the community and underscored the company’s commitment to fostering educational development in the La Brea community.

The awardees (Top SEA performers) are as follows:

  • Dayana John – Rousillac Hindu School
  • Junaid Hosein – Rousillac Presbyterian
  • Caleb Cobb – La Brea RC
  • Adeola Murray – Brighton AC
  • Anselma Phillip- From Vance River RC

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