All vehicles, persons and bags are subject to search upon entering and leaving CGCL.

General instructions for vehicles and personnel entering the site.

You may be subject to a body scan and your personal effects may be searched. Your vehicle interior and trunk may also be checked.

All visitors shall complete CGCL’s Visitor Safety Briefing conducted by their CGCL Host before accessing our facilities.

All vehicles entering the Process Area must have valid CGCL Inspection and be outfitted with spark arrestors and covered by the necessary permits.

Security guidelines while on site

  • While on-site, either at the Administrative Building or the Plant, identification badges must be clearly displayed and presented to our security officers when requested.
  • You must not wander around the site. Stay within your job location.
  • While driving, you are required to comply with the speed limit of 20 km/hr at our facility.

Procedures to be followed when leaving the site.

When leaving the site, your vehicle and person, as well as your personal effects may be searched.