Contractor HSSE Requirements
At CGCL, we strive to maintain a positive safety culture in addition to a safe and healthy workplace for employees and contractors. At a minimum, contractors shall comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2004 (as amended 2006), the Environmental Management Act, 2000 and applicable subsidiary legislation.

HSSE Requirements Overview
A detailed list of HSSE requirements is provided to contractors upon award of the contract.
HSSE Orientation
All persons required to conduct work activities at CGCL must undergo HSSE Orientation to ensure that they understand CGCL’s HSSE and site protocols.
Training and Competence
The contractor shall assure that job activities are conducted by competent persons, that is, persons who possess the education, skill, training (including specialised), certification, knowledge and experience to perform their duties.
Job Hazard Analysis
A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) must be conducted to identify hazards associated with the job/activity and the controls required to reduce risk.
Contractors are expected to provide and maintain suitable and adequate welfare facilities for their workers in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2004 (amended 2006) Part VII Welfare.
Equipment & Vehicle Inspection
Vehicles and equipment utilised by a contractor shall be inspected and approved for use by CGCL prior to site entry.
Permit to Work
All work must be done in accordance with CGCL’s Permit to Work Procedure.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
All contractor workers shall wear PPE as required. The contractor is responsible for providing PPE of an approved standard and ensuring its correct use by personnel.
Accident/Incident Reporting
The contractor shall immediately notify CGCL of incidents resulting in personal injury, spills or releases, security issues, loss or damage to property, or near misses.
High-Risk Works
CGCL requires contractors conducting High-Risk Works and Services to possess a valid Safe To Work Trinidad and Tobago (STOW-TT) Certificate. In lieu of STOW-TT Certification, the Contractor shall have an HSE Management System or equivalent system for managing HSE.
HSSE Orientation
All persons required to conduct work activities at CGCL must undergo HSSE Orientation to ensure that they understand the company’s HSSE and site protocols.
Upon completing the HSSE Orientation Questionnaire an orientation card will be issued to you. The card will be valid for one year. Only persons with valid HSSE Orientation cards will be granted access to conduct work at CGCL.