Emergency Response Plans and Procedures
As a petrochemical facility, various emergency scenarios are possible. These include fire, explosion, chemical or hydrocarbon release, medical emergencies, security threats and natural disasters.

How CGCL Works to Reduce Incidents
At CGCL, we have sought to address risk and exposure through:

Emergency Response Plan
Incident Command System
At CGCL, we have developed a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan based on the Incident Command System (ICS). ICS is a standard on-site command and control system used to manage emergency incidents and planned events.
The company’s response shall consist of two teams to manage and provide incident support functions:
If a community is impacted, residents will hear an undulating wailing siren (20 seconds on, 20 seconds off) for 20 minutes (maximum duration). This signals the need for the community to shelter in place in their homes. Instructions will be communicated to residents via SMS to mobile phones. Stay sheltered until the all-clear signal is sounded, a continuous steady siren for five minutes.
Plant Evacuation
Steady all clear
In the event that a loud explosion is heard, all persons are to remain indoors and stay clear of any windows or glass structures. Residents are required to stay sheltered until the all-clear signal is sounded, a continuous steady siren for five minutes.
A coordinated response will be executed with relevant government agencies and regulatory bodies where required.
Community Incident Response Guide
Emergency Contact Numbers
To report an incident or emergency to CGCL, please use our 24-hour contact numbers.
CGCL Security
460-0041, 225-4242 Ext. 5012
La Brea PoLice Station
Point Fortin fire Services
Emergency Shelters
Sobo Community Centre, Sobo Village, La Brea
Vessigny Community Centre, Vessigny Village, La Brea
Siren Sound
What to do
Wailing Siren
20 seconds on
20 seconds off
10 minutes
Shelter Indoors
Wailing Siren
20 seconds on
20 seconds off
10 minutes
Shelter Indoors
Stay away from windows and glass structures
Smoke/Gaseous Release
Undulating Wailing Siren
10 seconds on
10 seconds off
20 minutes (Maximum Duration)
Evacuate to the closest emergency shelter
Pipeline Spill
Report all spills to CGCL via emergency contact numbers
Depending on the nature of the incident, instructions will also be communicated to residents via SMS to mobile phones. Key community stakeholders will be contacted and asked to assist with communication efforts with respect to additional evacuation measures where required.
When it is safe to return to normal operations, CGCL will sound an all-clear signal – a continuous steady siren for five minutes maximum.
Notification Systems and Response Units
Our trained Emergency Response Team, ambulance and fire truck will respond to emergencies.
Notifications and instructions to staff will be given via the Public Address system for site emergencies. Communities will not be impacted.
The sounding of the Plant Siren signals site-wide evacuation and shelter-in-place for community members.
The community will also be alerted via SMS.

Reporting an Incident?
If you observe an incident, please notify us immediately via telephone.
Contact Security Guard Gate
225-5555 ext. 1234 or 460-5555
What can I report on an emergency Call?
These include but are not limited to:
Offences relating to CGCL’s property such as:
- Trespassing,
- Illegal land occupancy and unauthorised use of utilities (water, lights, etc.)
Offences relating to CGCL’s active and inactive assets such as theft or vandalism of
- Steel gratings, scrap and other metals
- Motors, transformers, flowlines, etc.
Personal offences committed at any CGCL site or against any of our personnel such as
- Kidnapping
- Threats
- Assault